Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ice and Snow

Ice cracking update: As of February 21, 2013, I've cracked ice on the water tubs 28 days, with this morning being more like stirring a slurry. I haven't lived here a decade, but it seems for the most part the severe winter weather arrives after January 15, and subsides around March 1st.

I realize I'm a transplant, but it seems there is a usual "winter storm" about once or twice in late January or mid February in the Ozarks, amounting to just enough snow to impede the early planting I hear so much about. I'll share a picture, and so far in my 8 years of residing here, it hasn't been much worse than this. Oh there was the ice storm that left us in the dark, that one year, and one year we actually got enough snow for my grandchildren to build a snowman, but . . . I certainly cannot complain about the winter weather. By the same token, however; six out of the eight years, this is what it's looked like on the "official day" of early planting! Not too bad to be out, certainly not bitter weather, but just a tad too much moisture for tilling and planting . . . I think what I am calling into question is the declaration that garden planting begins February 14. Being the romantic that I am, I would love to spend the day in the garden tilling and planting, but so far that hasn't worked out so well.

Usually as I look at the puddles or the mud or the snow on February 14, I become determined to change all plans first day of dry sunshine and get out to the garden, but not this year. After 3/4 of the February 14s looking like this picture, I have decided this year to have a different attitude entirely. I like to spend my birthday alone. I know it sounds selfish and silly, but it's my birthday and that's how I like it, well alone with my Creator, and for the past 8 years, in the garden, tilling and in the barn welcoming new arrivals. So that's my plan. I've still got veggies in the cellar and the freezer, and my birthday is only three weeks after February 14, anyway, so I'll have my first fresh salad three weeks later than the old timers at the feed store proclaim. I'll have my first fresh salad the same time I've been having it since I began homesteading. It dawned on me, 6 out of 8 years, regardless of tradition, first week of March gardening is what is usual for me.

I will be spending the first week-end of March in the garden. Saturday night, after sunset and after "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY,' I will be looking through and organizing my seeds. Seeds are one area in which I am organized! Sunday morning, YHWH willing, I will be tilling and setting rows. Then, it is a "long week-end of garden time." I am blessed to be redeemed back to the garden.


  1. I've got brown thumbs. lol I think it would be nice to grow my own food though.

  2. I was not gifted with a green thumb, either, so I figure I'm living proof of Isaiah 1:19. I do enjoy working the land, so when I harvest, I truly know it was not by my might, or power, but by the grace of G-d . . .
