Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

The first week of spring was actually a bit chillier than the last month of winter, but spring has arrived.  I have already received my first rainwater rinse of this new season and, as always; it was refreshing.  The kids and lambs are quite energetic and noisy.  The chickens have stopped slacking in egg production and the perennials are dormant . . . no more.

A couple of years ago I tried "something" with a natural raised bed of strawberries.  Basically, it was three rows of straw bales with bedding fabric between filled with top soil and strawberries.  When overnight temps this past week were forecasted to dip below freezing, I headed out to cover what was green.  To my delight, the strawberries have really spread and are thriving well.  There were even a few blooms already.  Every year, I attempt to try something new.  This year is no exception.  I'm attempting to raise my own non-GMO wheat.  Stay tuned for further updates.  Now that the ducks have a larger pool, I've repurposed their old kiddie pool to sit on an old wrought iron table for the ultimate in a raised strawberry bed.

The peach tree was loaded with blossoms and appears to have weathered the nippy nights quite well.

Sunshine is just as spunky as she can be . . .   while Darla is just a tad aloof, but learning her way around he milking parlor.

The newest addition to the place, my small herd of Barbados sheep.  Selma and Blanche are in front looking at the camera and Freida is all the way to back with her twin ram lambs in the center of the photo.  Some of this year's kids have already been sold.

Springtime in the country is just wonderful.

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