Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bears Have Arrived

Picking blackberries this year, has not been as enjoyable as in past years.  It was amazing seeing the branches bowed with hundreds of berries ripening.  It was then just a bit disconcerting to hear that a mama bear with her two cubs had been photographed about a mile from here, eating berries.  I was truly hoping it was just a rumor.

To make matters even a bit more disheartening, when I saw the bushes loaded with dark berries one evening and went to pick them the next day, many were already gone.  It makes picking berries just a little less relaxing.  I guess, the chances of meeting up with a bear in the afternoon are not great, but it's enough to make me very aware of twigs snapping and taking note of any odor in the breeze.  To make matters even a bit more adventurous, the local news featured a video of a young black bear in town running across mainstreet.  I'm guessing if they are showing up in town, they've made themselves to home, here in the timber.

The blessing of honey bees likely means there's a hive nearby, which also means bears are likely nearby as well.  I am thankful that bears do have an odor about them, but I'm not sure how close one would be by the time I smelled it and if I could move fast enough once I did.  It's probably time I did a bit more practicing with my slingshot.  Since our Heavenly Father is no respecter of persons, I've determined following the example set by David seems wise.  He was, after all, called a man after Yah's own heart.  I only have two problems now to overcome.  One, I'm not a young vibrant shepherd boy that moves quickly and Two, the truth of that fact leaves a slightly lingering fear.  I don't mind sharing blackberries with the local wildlife, but I just don't want to find myself picking at the same time.

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