Thursday, July 16, 2015


This site is usually focused on the ups and downs of modern homesteading.  More than anything, I want this to be a place of encouragement for those who may feel a bit isolated in their homesteading projects, as sometimes our mainstream friends just shrug their shoulders and decide we're nuts.  I also share a few of the trials and errors for the newbies, so they can hopefully just learn from my mistakes and avoid a few errors.  I don't usually get too much into world events, global economy, or prophecy for that matter, but I do feel the need to share something that I took note of.

My hay man called the other day and said he was moving hay, how about he bring my winter supply on up.  Mr. B had gone to town just a couple of days earlier and I'd done something I've never done before.  I asked him to write a check at the bank to bring home some cash . . . That is completely out of the ordinary for me.  Granted, current world events are well beyond tense, our country has some highly questionable things going on, and it is Shemitah.  I'm not sure that I even consciously considered all those variables, when I decided I needed some cash on hand, but as it turns out, I did.  

I am not one that believes cash is the answer to coming calamity, but having necessary things in place and supplies on hand is definitely a good idea.  I've recommended many times as of late, to keep gas tanks topped off, and a little pocket change just in case there are some technology glitches.  I've seen the yellow plastic bags that cover the pump handles at more than one convenience store, lately.   I don't use a debit card or ATMs, but since the NYSE had a technical glitch, I'm quite sure for an ATM could go glitchy.

In our society of instant convenience, it's a good idea to keep in mind, one glitch could interrupt instant, and cause life to become very inconvenient.

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