Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Joy of YHWH

This week has been, in a word; difficult!  Funny, even as I type the word, I can honestly say, by difficult, I don't mean bad.  This kind of difficult is more like stretching . . . and a change of perspective, also not bad!    I'm feeling a little bit more "called out" and at first I wasn't sure I was hearing correctly, but I did.  This isn't an Elijah syndrome.  I don't think I'm the "only one."  I think many of us are being called out to a place of just alone with YHWH to come into a fuller covenant relationship with Him.

Whether America faces economic collapse, martial law, a military invasion, more wildfires, or a meteor that divides the continent, judgment is coming.  For those of us who are aware and sounding the warning, it's just not always easy.  The direction from which the arguments come can be a bit discouraging and yet, I can't be quiet.  It is fire in my bones.  Not only am I sounding the warning, I also have the answer!  The world has only existed in this present state for a little over 100 years.  Before that, since the dawn of creation, humanity lived agriculturally and as hunters and gatherers.  There was craftsmanship and artisanry, but the craftsmen and artisans were dependent upon those who would bring food to trade for wares.  We didn't have all this stuff that could come tumbling down on us!

There was a time before the industrial revolution and the technological age of instant gratification in which decent shelter, food on the table and clothes on one's back was a good life!  For men, providing that for his family meant he was successful.  For women, taking care of that and raising children to be respectable adults was her success!  Before this time of owning so much we care about nothing, there was a true sense of gratitude and accomplishment.  For years now, I've cringed at the mantra "work smarter not harder."  I have nothing against intelligence, but I'm not so sure what actually happened was so smart!   Workers negotiated with business owners to make more money while working less, and now we have few independent businesses and shuttered factories.  Before this time in which we are now living, there was a contentment in life and a feeling of satisfaction in true accomplishment.  Once being paid for absence became an accomplishment, our society began to silently crumble.

I simply do not have words to express how good my life is and how content I am in what I do.  It's not perfect, I'm in it . . . and there are things that could be better, but I have need of nothing.  I do work every day except Shabbat, and I still check on the critters then.  There is no hourly wage and there are no paid sick days.  If I don't get something done, it's simply not done.  There is no A for effort and no participation trophy.  Accomplishments are required!  I am warm in the winter and cool in the summer.  The past six years my garden has produced bountifully, and I enjoyed a blessed resting of the land this year.  The ministry has expanded while my books and businesses are meeting needs.  The flocks and herd keeps me in eggs and milk and provide pretty good company . . . I have work clothes, chore clothes, town clothes, and night clothes, with the added blessing, I've enjoyed this style for so long, it's actually now back in style.  Most importantly, though, I have the joy of YHWH for my strength and His shalom fills this place.

The difficulty has been in how to convey to others, that this lifestyle works!

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