Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Leaves and the Lane

There is something that just touches my soul when I look out my kitchen window and the trees are leafed out enough I can no long see the winding lane that stretches for nearly a half mile between the lower road and the house. Even in winter, I can only see about 1/8 of mile clearly. I like to think it would be a comforting surprise for a weary traveler to follow the timber, make the curve and see life happening back here in the wilderness. That may sound like an over dramatization or a dated novel, but when I first saw this place four years ago, it was pretty primitive! A lot has happened, while some things, like the lane has remained virtually untouched.

I've tried to maintain the natural indigenous biochemistry, while establishing a homestead and viable existence for these end of days. And the battle has not been an easy one! First there was the county, then there was the family, then there was the elements, when I didn't pay attention to the warnings . . . The county has rules as to the installation of septic tanks which is fine, but . . . considering the fact, the county does not maintain the "road" it is a clear message of control and taxation, nothing more. So, with that being said, I jumped through those hoops and have gone on about my business.

Family is an entirely different matter and until I realized and took to heart, Y'hshuwah's words regarding His definition of family, I just about let it get to me. There's just nothing like launching out to literally start something from scratch, 250 miles from any relatives, only to have those who have nothing but free time, continually and constantly offer: "Why did you . . .?" "Why don't you . . .?" "Why are you . . .?" "You know what you need to do?" and of course, the classic, "What if . . .?" It's like I bring that out in everyone and I don't like that trait in myself.

It truly has made a sort of isolated existence quite desirable, and yet I'm far from isolated. I communicate every day with people I may never see until we meet on the "new earth." Or who knows, they may be some of those weary travelers, who arrive, hungry for fellowship and ready to offer something besides advice!

Right now most of my communication with people is through the keyboard. I am at a place, I can honestly say, most of my spoken words are actually to my Heavenly Father; and I think that's a good place to be. I do have a pretty interesting social life with some of my milk goats and that's funny. The two that are the bossiest, I can just hear them saying, "What are you doing . . .?" "This is what you should be doing . . ." are my favorites. Which is why I'm sure I still have a somewhat limited social existence. I am learning to walk in the confidence of what YHWH has brought me through and led me to do, so when the time comes, the resume' of the gathering community will say something besides "advisor," and "consultant." I'm being taught that the family who will be arriving is coming with experience or a desire to learn.

I'm learning to enjoy Spirit-led adventurous creativity. And for the times to come, I'm learning to be a gracious hostess with confidence!

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